Monday, May 28, 2007

How to get the benifit of each $$$$$$$ spent in advertising

Have a website ready, now what will you do? Host It .......Yes then after that .......wait for the vistors to come to your site. If you are setting up a site to make money out of it then actually you will not do this. What will you do is advertise through various sources. Now you have vistors coming to your site but do you know which of your ads brought most of yours visitors , which brought average and which brought none. There you are now you need to track you ads so that you advertise in the right way and at the right place making full use of each penny you are spending. If you are using too many sources to advertise then tracking them may be a painful job. But you don't have to worry many softwares are available to do this job for you.

AdTrakz Plus is a software that can help you in ad tracking.

Here some things that it can do it for you-
  • Tells you how many people come to your website from each traffic source so you can know with certainty which ad campaigns actually work
  • Tracks sales and actions on remote, affiliate websites
  • Tracks which keyword generates the sale in google adwords, overture, or any major ppc engine
  • Calculates your Return on investment, so you can quickly see which traffic sources are making money, and which are not!

and many more to list...........Click here to check more features.

Once you have compared your advertising sources you know where you need to invest more in advertising and where you need to stop advertising or change you ad format.